Post by louthepou on Dec 13, 2004 11:26:44 GMT -5
Just had to share this with you - Went to see my sister Saturday (deep in the woods). Freezing rain a few days before, snow on top.
The brother-in-law was clearing the private road leading to their house with his plow-equiped GMC Sierra. His plow got stucked on a mount, his rear wheels spinning, no torque sent to front wheels... I tied mt Sidekick to his truck, gave it a few solid jolts... He will not laugh about my small 4 by 4 anytime soon!
Post by Tracker96 on Dec 22, 2004 19:57:53 GMT -5
Yeah,these little 4x4's will fool you.While in Mexico over the summer I pulled my son-in-law's S-10 out of a muddy ditch.The whole road was slippery mud and his 2 wheel drive just slid over and got stuck.He later told me the people around that area couldn't believe that my little "****" could do that.