Post by stewtherabbit on Feb 22, 2005 9:44:26 GMT -5
Hello Hello I have Suzuki fever bad and was wondering how bad it is going to get. I have a 95 four door and all I can think of is a 2 inch rocky road body lift. But I also see 3 inch body lifts. What is the difference in the amount of work required for a 3 lift body lift compared to a 2 inch body lift, Can any one give me some advice?
Post by sheddy on Feb 22, 2005 14:46:24 GMT -5
try using the technical page to list your prob`s.. where you from etc. tell us if its 1.6 or 1.8 etc. etc. search the tech page and you won`t be dissapointed at the volume of freindly people there are here and the help you can get..bfn Andy
Post by stewtherabbit on Feb 22, 2005 17:27:23 GMT -5
Thanks for the info, I have posted this question in the tech section.
Counts zuks instead of sheep
Posts: 530
Post by Gman on Feb 23, 2005 3:16:20 GMT -5
glad to have you aboard.
We have amazing members, such as RockJunkie, who teach their daily transpostation to stepp over rocks; like we here in Tennessee teach our Horses to walk.
Both do a beautiful job of the art...
Suspension Travel may not be your first priority, But starting with a Sidekick/Tracker is a great beginning... take it and make it yours, a one of a kind, and it should be easy on the pocketbook, reliable, and a source of good memories and lots of fun...
See you on the Tech. side,
Post by stewtherabbit on Feb 23, 2005 16:33:38 GMT -5
Thanks for the good words Jeff, I am really looking forward to getting my truck set up to off road. I have a friend who has a **** that I just HAVE to show up *grin* and I know a zuk can do it.