Post by damien on Sept 30, 2021 12:27:05 GMT -5
So I replaced the fuel pump in my 94 sidekick. It turns over but doesn't take off. Now I've tested the pump wires and both sockets. I've tested the relay and that works the wires have power to them so we thought it was the sockets so we direct wired them and still nothing. I've been fighting with it for the last 2 1/2 days now and it has me to the point of rolling it off a cliff. Any help is much appreciated thank you
Post by ronald on Nov 7, 2021 23:43:19 GMT -5
Fallow the loom from the passenger side of t belt under the manifold and intake where it turns up the fire wall check the loom there its a common problem with side kicks and Trackers you will most limely find melted wires start your repair there.